Nov 17, 2008
Scott Williams, the author of "On Island Time: Kayaking the
Caribbean, tells us of his adventures in his kayak as he crosses
the gulf stream from Florida to the islands.
He also sails and builds boats in his spare time.
Oct 15, 2008
Marvin tells us how he managed to navigate into the many different ports he visited with no instrumentation. We enjoyed his many stories.
Sep 28, 2008
Marvin Creamer tells us about sailing around the world with no instrumentation not even a watch. He was in his 60's at the time and what an adventure he had. He used the sun, stars,wave activity and even birds to direct him. What an inspiration.
Jul 26, 2008
Bernie Blum tells us about container yachts that fit into a container such as you would see on a train, ship, etc. It is the boat to have if you want to ship your boat.
Jun 24, 2008
Cheryl Ward tells us about how the Egyptians moved incredible weights with their ships and regals us with many more tales of the ancient mariners